Bush in Albania
A couple of months ago I reported that Bush was in Prague. I mean, it wasn't a secret, so obviously it wasn't much of a scoop. While here, no one was able to get close to him. In fact, they kept his location a secret, blocking off many areas where he wasn't in an effort to obfuscate his enemies. Everyone knew he was in Prague 6 where the diplomats hang out. But they had the area around the Hilton hotel blocked off one day. We all know damn well he wasn't there, but the secret service was doing their job.
This evening I met a young Czech lady who told me about the morning when she couldn't get to work because of Bush's non-presence at the Hilton. Not a big fan of Bush anyway, she was infuriated that she had to drive around the other way, park her car, and then walk some 2.5 miles to get to work (nearly an hour late) to avoid the place where Bush wasn't.
And while no one here or in the United States could get within several hundred yards of him, Bush mingled with massive crowds in Albania where "they love him." Everyone here laughs at the undisputable fact that someone in the crowd stole his watch. Although the White House denies it, Serbian television has the footage. It happens just before 1 minute into the video. Judge for yourself.
Sidenote: although the American press reported that the Albanians "adore him" keep in mind that whistles in this part of the world are not considered friendly in any way.
Yeah, they love him so much, they wanted a souvenir to remember him by.
This evening I met a young Czech lady who told me about the morning when she couldn't get to work because of Bush's non-presence at the Hilton. Not a big fan of Bush anyway, she was infuriated that she had to drive around the other way, park her car, and then walk some 2.5 miles to get to work (nearly an hour late) to avoid the place where Bush wasn't.
And while no one here or in the United States could get within several hundred yards of him, Bush mingled with massive crowds in Albania where "they love him." Everyone here laughs at the undisputable fact that someone in the crowd stole his watch. Although the White House denies it, Serbian television has the footage. It happens just before 1 minute into the video. Judge for yourself.
Sidenote: although the American press reported that the Albanians "adore him" keep in mind that whistles in this part of the world are not considered friendly in any way.
Yeah, they love him so much, they wanted a souvenir to remember him by.
a young Czech lady who told me about the morning when she couldn't get to work because of Bush's non-presence
I am rolling on the floor. Sydney is already complaining about the massive disruption, just preparing for a Bush visit.
I can hardly wait to see the screams when he actually arrives here. I can see why there is such intense security planning. Pissing off a city of three or so million would be good reason.
Cartledge, at 1:26 AM
What a find!
Publia, at 7:10 AM
yes, it is rather obvious that someone stole his watch, or perhaps the band became undone, or broke, and the watch simply fell off? I noticed watching the video that many people "grabbed" his wrists or forearms rather than "shake" his hand - is that a common practise there? Or is it in the catagory of the whistles - not necessarily how we perceive the practise?
Anonymous, at 5:38 AM
I'm glad Bush has decided to start visiting other countries. We need the break! Of course, there aren't too many places he's welcome in the US so he doesn't have much choice.
Kathy, at 6:36 PM
A Bosnian friend of mine told me this a couple weeks ago. Funny shit
Graeme, at 8:00 AM
Politicians and other VIPs have no grasp (or interest) that their "visits" screw things up for thousands of regular people who have jobs and schedules. Clinton used to paralyze San Francisco whenever he went there for a speech or photo op.
So all those whistles weren't complimentary? In Iran, the thumbs up sign is their version of the middle finger. It would be funny if Bush went there and was thrilled at all those happy gestures he was getting.
Who Hijacked Our Country
Tom Harper, at 8:22 PM
tom harper wrote:
"Politicians and other VIPs have no grasp (or interest) that their "visits" screw things up for thousands of regular people who have jobs and schedules."
Right. Yeah. Sure. While it might be true that self-absorbed celebrities could not care less if their activities inconvenienced everyone else in the world, politicians are fully aware of the disruptions they cause.
As a New Yorker who has had to detour around avenues and streets blocked off for exclusive presidential use, I can tell you that every president who comes to town knows his appearance clogs traffic. Traffic reports are a big part of city news. There's no end to the repetition of the street names blocked or restricted during presidential visits.
Clinton always stayed at the Waldorf. On days he was in town, it was murder getting around the hotel. But frankly, for everyone who walked around town, the detours were minor. For those who on the subway, no problems were apparent.
Clinton used to paralyze San Francisco whenever he went there for a speech or photo op.
So all those whistles weren't complimentary? In Iran, the thumbs up sign is their version of the middle finger. It would be funny if Bush went there and was thrilled at all those happy gestures he was getting.
Anonymous, at 5:54 AM
Perhaps someone did steal Bush's watch.
What should Bush do?
Should he create an international incident by claiming an Albanian pickpocket took it?
Should he complain to the leader of Albania that his country is home to thieves?
There's no easier way to sour relations between two countries than to accuse the host of allowing the guest to suffer harm.
Bush behaved in gentlemanly fashion. You can be sure of one thing. No official claim that his watch was stolen will ever emerge.
Meanwhile, it's more likely the watch fell off because the clasp was worked open by his contact with the people in the crowd.
Moreover, if I were there and saw his watch fall to the ground, you can be sure I would pick it up. I'm not sure if I would return it or keep it. Tough call.
The watch owned by the President of the US would be a fabulous item to possess. On the other hand, the possessor could never show it to anyone. Given the publicity surrounding its disappearance and the unstated embarrassment of the Albanian government over the loss, you can be sure the Albanian government will investigate any rumor of its whereabouts.
Therefore, a photograph of Bush with the Good Samaritan who returned it might seem like a better choice for marking one's encounter with the president of the US.
However, as far as we know, the watch remains missing. But I doubt it was stolen off his wrist. I think it fell off in the hand and arm shaking, after which some quick-thinking Albanian covered it with his foot and picked it up after the president and his security entourage had passed by.
Anonymous, at 4:05 AM
I don't think it wss much of a watch. It was reported to be a Timex. The only reason I can imagine a President of the United States wearing a Timex is that he loses them constantly. Or people help themselves. I have now seen videos that 1) have him pocketing the watch and 2) have someone else lifting the watch.
Anonymous, at 4:19 AM
publia writes:
"The only reason I can imagine a President of the United States wearing a Timex is that he loses them constantly. Or people help themselves."
This may well be true. Obtaining the watch of a president would be quite a coup.
Anonymous, at 6:22 AM
My blood starts to gurgle when I see a motorcade of black cars, flanked and preceded by the police. Money can get you everything, including fucking every one in the poo-hole. The funny part is, we're paying for it. And no one cares, ha-ha!
Anonymous, at 12:03 PM
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