Prague Twin

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

May Day Pt. II

Now that the May Day protests have come and gone, I wanted to reflect on them briefly.

First of all, I had reported that people were wearing red. I suppose what I saw was organizers getting ready and being easily identifiable in red. The color of the day was, of course, white. I heard this was to represent peace, although in Denver apparently it was as a show of soldarity among restaurant workers. Dever, incidentally, was a sea of white.

A very interesting response I got to my original post was from Roger at XDA who didn't know the history of May Day. Now Roger is at least a history buff, and probably much more. If HE didn't know, how many people actually did? Can I get some feedback on this one?

I had blamed myself for being ignorant, but in the end, it looks like May Day is a pretty well kept secret in the USA, and I'm sure no one calls it, "International Workers' Day" as it is known, well, internationally.

I did notice that on the Mexico side, there was a lot more red being worn, as was the case elsewhere in the world.

Final note: In Prague, there was an anti-communist rally on May Day. A banner being held read (in Czech), "Good people don't need communism." Does that mean bad people do? The communist party is alive and well here, garnering about 10% of the popular vote and up to 20% in some regions (especially the industrial areas).


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