Republicans in a Dead Heat

After briefly passing Giuliani for the lead, the market has turned it's back on McCain who is now fourth out of the four significant Republican candidates (was it the Guatemalan comment?).
Giuliani is back in the lead but precariously so garnering only 26 cents on a $1 contract. Romney and Thompson are in a dead heat, both at about 23.5 cents, and McCain is now bringing up the rear at about 18 cents.
The Democratic race is boring. Mrs. Clinton continues to be way ahead of the only serious contender. I'm sorry, but I just spent a weekend with a friend of mine from Kansas. He is not prejudiced, but speaking for his neighbors, Mr. Obama is not going to win the Kansas primary. We've come a long way, but in my opinion Mr. Obama has about as much chance of winning the primary (much less the general) as I do.
So for entertainment purposes, it is all about the Republican primary.